
The County Treasurer is an elected position serving a four year term. The Treasurer and staff are dedicated to serving the citizens of Mahnomen County by offering the best possible service in all statutory and assigned duties.

County Treasurer responsibilities include but are not limited to: Collects Real Estate, Personal Property and Mobile Home Taxes. Distributes taxes collected to the appropriate taxing authorities. Receipts all county funds. Banking, Investing and Safeguarding of County liquid assets.

Prepares reports for the county board and state agencies. Collects Mortgage Registry and Deed Tax for the state. Represents the county at state and national organizations and associations.

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Administration Duties of the County Treasurer include:

Mailing of approximately 5,000 Real Estate and Personal Property tax statements each year by March 31.

Collection of Real Estate taxes.

Mailing of Mobile Home tax statements each year by July 15.

Collection of Mobile Home taxes.

Distribution of taxes collected to taxing authorities: Townships/Cities, School Districts, Watershed Districts, State of Minnesota, Headwaters Regional Development Commission

Work with escrow companies to maintain up to date information on taxpayers’ escrow accounts.