Local COVID-19 One Call Center Established
A message from White Earth Emergency Management Team Incident Commander, Ed Snetsinger;
Good Morning. The Minnesota Department of Public Health has notified our local public health agencies of its first lab confirmed case of COVID-19 within Mahnomen County and the White Earth Reservation. The individual identified is on self-quarantine for a 14-day period and will be monitored by MDH. MDH will contact identified individuals that are deemed high risk and ask them to also self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor symptoms.
White Earth in collaboration with Mahnomen County has been proactively preparing for the likelihood of a positive test within Reservation boundaries with strategic planning and safety measures. While this is the first case, it will not be the last and it’s why we must continue to practice safe habits like hand washing and staying home per State and Tribal orders.
To address concerns, we have implemented a “ONE-Call” Center to answer general questions related to COVID-19 and provide supportive services including constituent services, mental health, and nursing.
To access the ONE-Call center please dial 218-936-2774 or send an email message at: covid19@whiteearth-nsn.gov. This is an important reminder that all residents of the White Earth Reservation need to help slow the spread of COVID-19. I encourage you to plan ahead, remain calm, and stay informed as we continue to venture through the processes related to COVID-19 together. Thank you, Ed Snetsinger